The Christian Education Ministry provides additional teaching and learning opportunities through Bible Study, Sunday School, and other small-group learning activities.
The mission of the New Era District Evangelism Ministry is to--
Go ye therefore into all the World and preach the gospel to every creature,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever things God has commanded us.
The purpose of the Laymen Ministry is to equip every boy and man to become a participant in the church as a lifestyle missionary. Leaders work to inform, motivate, and involve boys and men in praying, studying, enlisting giving, ministering and witnessing in their church.
Our Mission is to promote spiritual growth, encouraging and inspiring young people to commit to a spiritual relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
The New Era District Choir, an auxiliary of the New Era District Association, is committed to presenting appropriate music that is biblically sound; that will praise and worship to our God and edify the saints. This will be done in keeping the instructions in Colossians 3:16 "Let the words of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."

The New Era District Women in Christ Ministry purpose is to study the Bible and apply its teachings to their daily life, to make sound choices, build self-esteem, to mentor & provide positive Christ-like direction for young ladies, to introduce girls to a greater vision, provide outlets, contacts, and love, encourage success and personal growth, generate respect for God, parents and elders and develop self-confidence.
Ushers & Nurses
The Ushers Ministry works silently, but tirelessly within the church to ensure the smooth flow of people-traffic during church services. They also work to provide visitors the opportunity to introduce themselves and assist throughout the church when needed.
The Nurses Ministry for New Era is there to provide comfort, support, and minor medical attention if necessary during church services. A long-standing ministry for New Era, the Nurses Ministry is always available to assist as needed.